Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rashida Reviews: "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D>

This week I'm changing things up a bit and reviewing a self-improvement book instead of my usual urban fiction novel. I am constantly looking for ways to improve myself and keep from going back to my days of being hopeless and depressed.  I am an avid believer in metaphysical science and the Law of Attraction so many books that I read  are on that subject.
I listened to an ebook series called "You Wish Is Your Command" by Kevin Trudeau. In there he gave a list of suggested reading and TMOTB was the first on the list so I crawled the internet and downloaded the ebook version. I have to say that I loved this book!
It gives you a simple way to thing BIG and become a better person in every facet of life. It doesn't talk over your head or bore you with the weird, spiritual stuff that most self-help gurus throw at you. I love the way the book gives you practical experiences from everyday people and tells you what you should learn from them. It covers everything from how to think big when your romantic life is in the pits to being an effective leader.
I strongly recommend this book for the person who has tried to reach their goals and be happy but hasn't quite figured out how to do it.
There's a 30-day plan included in the book that will help you start to reach your goals. I'm doing this plan and will let you know how it goes at the end ot the 30 days. Click here for a peek inside the book!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a total sucker for this kind of book. I'll have to check it out!
