Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Latest Chubby Chasing Experience

My cousin invited me and my sister over one night to chill and catch up. He'd just moved down the street from me. His roommate was there. I noticed him giving me the eye but I ignored it. He was cute and all but I just wasn't interested. 
About a week later I got locked out of my house accidentally and my phone was dead. It's December in Cleveland so it's cold as hell outside and I had on a thin jacket. I thought for a second and decided to walk down the street to my cousin's house to charge my phone and wait until my aunt came with the key.
I get to the house and his roommate answers the door. I ask if my cousin is there and he tells me no. I was walking away when I heard a male voice say, "You sure you lookin' for your cousin?" I turned and went back to the door. I knew from that comment that he'd let me in. "As a matter of fact," I said. "Can I come in and use a phone charger? I'm locked out and I need to call somebody to help." Old dude let me in. He had a few guys over and they had just made dinner. A silly guy with a gap in his teeth and thick cornrows to the back offered me a plate. I politely declined. After making a few phone calls I knew I'd be sitting down there for a while so I decided to take them up on their offer.
My cousin's roommate got up and made me a plate then brought it to me. He sat across from me and made conversation as I ate. He started at my lips intently as I ate. It was as if he was hypnotized. I noticed this but I shrugged it off.
The next day he came to my house with pizza and watched me eat it with the same lustful look in his eyes. The day after that her invited me over and cooked. I didn't expect to be eating. I'd just had dinner before I came there so I said I didn't want to eat but he sat a plate of food in front of me anyway. He bugged me until I ate every crumb. He watched and it was like he fell more in love with me with each bite.  At the end of the meal I playfully asked if he was a chubby chaser. He laughed and said no but I knew for a fact that that was a lie...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the begining of a good porno movie.Give us more of your "personal stories"/details.Also cover "mental health issues" in and around the Glenville community.
