Monday, May 23, 2011

Damn near died of thought poisoning!

It's been almost a week since I've posted. I've been feeling sick. Well, more than sick, I've been feeling downright shitty.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. All I knew was I was stuck in my bed in pain mentally, physically, and emotionally.
I've felt this way before. The overwhelming feeling of stress and hurt. I was suffering from thought poisoning. I had let my negative thoughts take over me. Again.
I just finished my first book and the closer I get to the release the more nervous I get. I have other problems, too. Let's just say that my work, relationship, and living situations aren't helping any.
When I get like this, thought demons get in attack mode. They tell me everything from I'm going to fall on my ass trying to self-publish a book to the wonderful man in your life will never love you. I was regressing fast.
Finally I got down on my knees and really prayed to God. I begged him to not give up on me. To remind me why I love and believe in myself. I asked for a renewal of my faith and a renewal of my mind.
Thank God he answered my prayers! I was given the anecdote for thought poisoning: Faith. Knowing that now matter what happens I am truly blessed and will always be. Knowing that I control my mind and I don't have to let negative thoughts poison me.
I'm back to my regular self now. Ready to continue all that I've started fearlessly. If you ever find yourself being poisoned by negative thoughts,cast them out immediately. Even if you have to say out loud "I won't let you poison me!". Choose happiness. Choose faith. Choose life.
I know I will.


  1. Good to see you back....and especially liked the way you ended this post with the three choices.

    The Madlab Post

  2. beautifully written!!! Fearless, thats the word of the month, good one Rah!! love u girl stay strong in faith, spirit, and commitment to becoming the best Rasheeda you can be! Peace
