Friday, May 31, 2013

Woman Law: 1-5

Thanks to Baller Alert for the list.

Since them men have established 'Man Laws' I thought it would be a great idea to finally establish some laws for us women to live by. I'm going to try and keep this going as long as possible, but for now here are the 'Woman Laws' from 1 through 5.

1 - Thou shall not let thyself go - No matter how comfortable you get, no matter how depressed you get, nothing makes you feel better than looking your best. Just because you have a man doesn't mean that you should forget you have to keep him. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to keep a fresh manicure and pedicure. Keeping yourself looking good will keep you feeling good. A woman who feels good is a happy woman.

2 - Thou shall not entertain thy haters - So what she's talking about you behind your back? She didn't say it to your face did she? That's right, because she is a coward. So don't entertain her. That's exactly what she wants you to do. She wants all of your attention, that's why she pushes your buttons. Don't even give her the satisfaction. Be the bigger, badder, more mature woman and leave her looking like a fool

3 - Thou will get money - I don't care what you do or how you do it but be resourceful and make your own money. The minute you begin to depend on anyone else to take care of you is the day that you've allowed someone to own you. A woman should never allow herself to be owned. Be the source of your own income. Whether it's working a regular 9-5 or the naked hustle, get your money!

4 - Thou Shall Play the Player - Men say you can't play a player, but what they don't realize is that a woman certainly can. As a woman we should keep our eyes open and be aware of all games being played on us and be ready to turn the table at any given moment. We as women have to reclaim our upper hand.

5 - Thou Shall Behold The Power Of The "P" - One thing we have always had and will always have is the power we hold between our legs. It's been said that as long as you have a vagina you should never be broke. We have the power to get a man to do anything we want. We have the power to make men spend any amount of money, be at our beckon call and apologize to us even when he hasn't done anything wrong. Good sex will make a man leave his mama and get his life right. Use your powers for good, not evil.

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